Forever Young

I read somewhere your soul stays young
While your body gets old, a different song sung.
You never quite feel the age you are,
Nostalgic for youth, always slightly afar.

Time’s gentle hand leaves traces bold,
While flesh succumbs to years untold.
Yet somewhere deep within, behold,
A soul that stays forever gold.

Never quite figured it out,
Always slightly behind, a shadow of doubt,
Longing for days when outside would show
The youthful spirit inside we know.

We’re told our whole lives that age must come,
That death’s a drum we all must drum.
But what if that’s just what we believe?
What if our minds could make us deceive?

What if we could control our form,
Weather the storm, stay forever warm?
Guilt brings us harm, that’s why it’s said,
Bad things happen to good, guilt-ridden heads.

The mirror shows the toll of time,
Lines and greys, the aging climb.
But beneath the wear, a truth we hold,
The spirit’s fire, unmarked, unsold.

What if our souls stay young and free,
Childlike, naïve, eternally?
What stops our belief from being so strong
That our bodies follow where our hearts belong?

Many say they wish to stay
Young forever, not fade away.
But what if we truly could remain,
If belief in youth we could sustain?

Through every age, our hearts unfold,
With dreams and tales, so brave, so bold.
For while the body’s tale grows old,
The soul remains, forever young, we’re told.

– Shelly Schmidt-Franklin

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